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Ying-shih Yü International Center

Graduate Student Profiles


Name : Andrew Hardy

Institute : University of California, Berkeley 

Major : History of the Early Chinese Empires


Name: Francis Newman

Institute : Harvard University

Major : History of science


Name: Weicheng Huang

Institute :  Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Major : History of science, Modern Chinese History


Name: Jingyi CAO

Institute : The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Major : Classical Chinese Literature, History of Knowledge, History of Books, Intellectual Thought, Cultural History



Name : Wenfei Wang

Institute : Harvard University

Major : Ming and Qing Literature, History of Thought in China



Name : Yu Liu

Institute :  University of California, Santa Barbara

Major :  Modern Chinese Constitutional History and History of Thought



Name : Zhongyuan Hu

Institute : Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Major :  Early Sino-European Intercultural Encounters, Early Global Movements, Food Studies,Jesuit Studies